Every man, right from birth, is search of Never lands. We all want to be in some imaginary place were things are our way. We all build dreams, some even work towards them. In the end would that matter? Did any leader really wanted to be a leader?
The fact is, it neither your dream nor you objectives that shape you. It is the society that does to a large extend. Though you dream and objective plays a very large role in guiding you. You success is determined by the society. It is the society that make you our breaks you.
What the societies expect? A million dollar question! The view of the society keeps changing. There is not definite answer for this. Yet Society could make you or break you. Why do we dream when it not us who play a role in realizing our dream?
Did Gandhi want to be a national leader? Did Bill Gate want to be the richest man? Does you objectives ever play a role in shaping what we are? More over to turn the table over we need to understand what the society needs. To make a difference our objectives are handicap at hands of society.
Wasn't Hitler a great leader? Didn't he achieve is his objective? Did he raise a nation from destruction of World War? He built a nation more advanced than the rest, but the society wanted it the other way.
It is not what we feel right makes the difference. It is what the society thinks that make a different. The first thing to make a difference is to understand what the society thinks. We got to be cautious because the thoughts of society keep changing and the man is left in its mercy.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Life in a mirror of Paradox
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Project and great learning experence
During my graduation we identified that our college lack a 'Quiz Buzzer'. To add to our challenge our college had very limited resource to buy one for the college. In addition, being science association secretary, I wanted a project for upcoming inter-colligate electronics fest. Looking at two objectives I came down to meet them both. First, we sat down on the drawing board and designed a blue-print. Then we had to present the design to our Principal and get the budget approval. Principal was impressed with my design and agreed to facilitate it. As always, one road block solved we could see the next. We needed two students to help me with my project, one to implement the design and other to get the components in the lowest price. Added to all this we could not use the lab after working hours. So we had to develop this in our lunch breaks. For two days we had to use our break time to show a working prototype. When the prototype was ready we were able to demonstrate it. In the mean time one our team member got the components with the best price. Then the third person set to out our design on general Purpose Component Board. This project was awarded at Electronic Fest and Science fest which followed that. Also, we used it for all our quiz competition after that in our college. We all had a feel of Buzzer round in quiz before we go for inter-colligate. I would like to thank my true friends Mahafooz and Rajneesh. They have stood with me in every step. Without their help I would not have achieved my dream for championship that aceadamic year. They filled me with courage at all points where I break. There was a point where I felt I will have to drop it. Not to forget the electronics lecturer Naveen who gave us the support when we needed it the most. Truely so, You could move a mountain- the thing is you need to have the right team.