Thousand of thoughts reckon my mind; I fail to figure out the right word to express them. Man might have reached the moon or is trying to step a foot on moon. He always fail when it comes to expressing himself. Mostly it so happens he tells one thing, the listener takes it differently- anywhere near to truth. Great are the people who could express 80% of their thoughts. At least, they have many people who understand them. This adds joy and love to their life.
If a person fails to understand, his fault constitutes only 30%. The 70% can attribute to the inability of the man to express him. This is the root to most of our problems in life. Why does he then complain that nobody understands him?
Man always wanted to safe guard his frightened soul. It makes him to justify all the faults committed. That is to say, he is in the state "I am ok, the world around is not". We all are the victims of bad communication. If this still prevails in us, why do we then call us social animals?
Monday, December 26, 2005
Communication Gap
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Communication does not end in communicating 100%. It may happen that, though you communicate 100%, the other person may refuse to buy your thoughts. He may be biased, right. Or he may feel his way of thinking or his idea is much better than yours!
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